Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Nagasaki Peace Park: Nagasaki City

The view of this peaceful park

Nagasaki Peace Park was born from the infamous day forever etched into history and the minds of those associated with this disaster.  The death toll was 74,000 people, with another 75,000 suffering injuries. Within a 1 kilometer radius of the hypocenter almost 90% of the people died.  Burns caused by the heat rays of the atomic bomb were severe, with the surface skin being completely burned and falling off thus leaving tissue and bone exposed.  People were thrown by the force of the blast and countless pieces of glass and other debris pierced their skin.  The radiation penetrated deep into people's bodies causing them to suffer injuries and diseases such as cancer and leukemia to this very day.

Remnants of the Urakami Cathedral

The original target for the bomb was the city of Kokura but obscuring clouds necessitated changing course to the alternative target, Nagasaki.  However because of poor visibility due to cloud cover the bomb missed its intended detonation point which was the Mitsubishi Shipyards and exploded over the suburban area of Urakami,  in effect killing mostly women and children and not the factory manufacturing area of War Machinery.  In many ways it is this misfortune that will label Nagasaki forever in history!

Nagasaki Peace Park today is a very peaceful place to stroll about and reflect on this frightening event in mankind's history.  Let's hope that the mistakes of the past are never repeated again and the world can live peacefully without Nuclear threats of destruction.  A walk around this solemn but special place always provides me with the strength and resolve that the mistakes of the past happen again and we should always do everything humanly possible to make this happen as a human race.

Our private Nagasaki Tours will finish the day here at the Nagasaki Peace Park as its a great place to fully reflect on what a great day was had.

Check out the Nagasaki Peace Park on this map below:


Symbol of Peace

Haunting image of Mother and Baby

Please have a look at the video below to see more of the Nagasaki Peace Park:

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