Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nagasaki Private Tours

Always a standout attraction on the day is the Nagasaki Peace Park and Atomic Bomb Museum.  You can combine these 2 locations with others to make a fabulous day out on your Nagasaki City adventure.

The 26 Martyrs site and Museum as well as the Fukusaiji Temple are excellent accomplishments to round out your day in Nagasaki City.

Check out Nagasaki here on this map below:


Check out the video below:

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Futamigaura Park- Itoshima: Fukuoka Prefecture

Although this wasn`t on my intended schedule, it turned out to be as it was the one that left the biggest impression on me and my mother.

We had just finished taking pictures of the main attraction, being Lovers Rock and had lunch at one of the many cafes dotted on the peninsular, when my mum spotted something that i didn`t see, way above all the cars driving along the coastline.  It seemed to be a series of levels jutting out from the overhead rock outcrop, armed with this curiosity of wanting to know what it was, my mother and I proceeded to drive up the steep and winding road until it became obvious that it was a cemetery, located up upon the most magnificent view that one will see for a long time.

My mum was in awe, she thought it was one of the most interesting places that she has even been to and I wasn`t too far behind in my thinking as well!  Now, I know what some of you will be thinking, I don`t want to go to a cemetery!  In all fairness this incredible place is more like a scenic park rather than a cemetery.  At the time, my mother and I didn`t get out of the car, just took some photos from within, but after further research I have found out that the cemetery doesn`t mind visitors and photos being taken as long as people are respectful and are there to appreciate the beauty and hard work that obviously goes into making this place one of the most amazing cemeteries I have been too and probably in all of Japan as well.

Below the cemetery is a dedicated park to peace, tranquility and harmony.  These are absolutely some of the emotions that I felt during the time whilst enjoying the awe inspiring view that were available to behold.  This location isn`t well know by the traveling public so I should imagine there isn`t too much in the way of tourists in the area.  A great place to meditate and or just enjoy the scenic beauty.

The pictures really don`t do the location justice!  You will have to take my word for it that it is indeed breathtaking from every perspective.

Please check below to see the Futamigaura Park on a map:


Please click on the photos below to enlarge:

Plenty of space

Lovers rock below

Picture perfect

Interesting statues

Coastal views

Please click on these videos to see more about the incredible Futamigaura Park.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Couples Rock- Itoshima Beach: Fukuoka Prefecture

Couples Rock in Itoshima is also known as Sakurai Futamigaura of Meotoiwa.  I will continue to called this attraction Couples Rock as the latter saying is certainly a mouth full.  
When people talk about Itoshima, a small and relaxing place where the city folk like to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life for a day or even just a half a day considering its close proximity, ultimately the one place everyone wants to visit and get the obligatory photo is Couples Rock.
Couples Rock is a beautiful sunset scenic spot right on the Genkai Sea. This place has been selected as one of Japan’s 100 most scenic places and during summer when the days are at their longest, the final view of the sunset between the 2 rocks will leave a strong and lasting impression on even the least romantic people in this world.
Couples Rock is connected by a large Shimenawa (rope) which is 30 metres in length and weighs 1 tonne. The male rock is 11.8 metres high and the female rock is 11.2 metres in height. Shimenawa is a thick, twisted, straw rope that in ancient times, was believed to have the power to ward off evil sprits or was used to cordon off sacred area as a talisman and as a result many objects connected with Shinto Shrines are decorated with these types of ropes.
Itoshima is also loaded with cafes, restaurants and places of nature, so you can see why it is becoming the stamping ground for the Fukuoka community as a place to recharge and refresh and in many cases retire from the rat race or live out a more peaceful existence.

I am finding more and more interesting place during each new visit to the area, so please keep a look out of many more posts and places of interest in my upcoming blogs.

Please look at this map of Couples Rock located in Itoshima:

Please click on the picture below to enlarge the photos:

A recent private family tour found couples rock with perfect albeit on a very hot day!
Click on the photos to enlarge:

Please click on these videos to see more of Couples Rock up close and personal:

Monday, September 2, 2019

Umegae Sake Brewery: Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture

Every now and then in my travels around Nagasaki Prefecture you come upon a special place that instantly makes a strong and lasting impression on you. Umegae Sake Brewery is just one of these places and as a result of this positive and uplifting experience we intend to make this location a regular attraction on our full day tours.

To tell you the truth, for quite a few years now, I have been intending to visit this location and highlight its wares but for some reason it never did fit neatly into my schedule on the day.  Luckily a few hours opened up for me and my original plan had to be changed, however the god`s shine on me and my chance to check out my first Sake Brewery in Nagasaki came to fruition.

The rest is history!  Right from the beginning the friendly ladies welcomed me with open arms (not figuratively) allowed me to wander around on my own device, allow me to ask a multitude of questions and to basically give me full access of their facilities in order to make this report.  Even though I was here for only 45 minutes or so, it felt so much longer as there was some much information that i was able to digest and use.  Unfortunately there is not a huge amount of written and spoken English in this environment but the warm hearted smiles and manners of all the staff members really hopes to overcome any language communication difficulties.

I was not able to drink on the day (zero drinking and driving policy in Japan) but the range of Sake (Japanese Rice Wine) Shochu (Japanese Distilled Spirits) and Liqueurs is more than enough to satisfy everyone`s requirements.  So I am absolutely sure that I will be back as a non driver to sample at my hearts content in order to be the best guide and provider of information on the day.  It`s a hard job but I am sure I can handle it!

Please check out the Umegae Sake Brewery below on a map:


Please click on the photos below to enlarge:

English explainations

Recommended place

Special Sake

Storage Vats

Nice welcome for everyone

Factory Floor

Love the entrance

Very reasonably priced

Let`s try them all!

Lots of variety

Here is a video of my experience at the Umegae Sake Brewery that I am sure you will enjoy: