Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mukyudo- WW2 Air Raid Shelter: Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture

There are numerous WW2 Air Raid Shelters still in existence today in and around Nagasaki Prefecture.  However the best and most interesting one that I have had the opportunity to find and explore is absolutely the one called Mukyudo which is located near Huis Ten Bosch in Sasebo,.

Mukyudo during World War II, was the air-raid shelter of the former Miyamura Elementary and Junior High School.  The reason why this Air Raid Shelter is unique when compared to others is the fact that both male and female students as well as their teachers at the time were responsible for making and maintaining the shelter.  Not only was the shelter used as a classroom in times of bombing by the Allied Forces but was also used by the community in and around the school.  As most of the towns members were elderly (most of the men were away fighting in the war) the students were basically responsible for protecting their community from foreign forces.

This site is not being preserved for laying blame! On the contrary, it is kept as a reminder of community spirit, group cohesion and to remind the younger generation about the historical significance of the area in regards to WW2.

There is a brochure in English provided to all international guests, there are signs but mostly in Japanese, however ones imagination and visual clues provided are more than enough to give you the insights in what it must have been like during these turbulent times in Japan and the World in general.

This attraction has slowly be surely become a popular site on our Nagasaki Cultural and Historical Tour.

Please check out the Mukyodo WW2 Air Raid Shelters below on a map:

Please click on the photos below to enlarge:

Depiction of the situation

The tools that were used

The entrance

Ring the bell for peace


The classroom

Please click on the video below to see more about the Mukyudo WW2 Air Raid Shelters:

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